ADHD Breakthrough Group

ADHD Breakthrough Group Coaching Program

Are You Tired of Feeling Overwhelmed and Behind?

Join the ADHD Breakthrough Group Program

Discover How To Handle the Challenges of Professionals, Entrepreneurs, and Leaders.

Take Control. Join Now.

Support With Like-Minded Individuals

Be More Productive
and Organized

Enjoy Your Professional
and Personal Life

Living with ADHD can be a constant struggle.

Frustrated Professional Woman with ADHD

Can You Relate to This List of Challenges?

  • Being late to meetings and missing deadlines
  • Procrastination and difficulty following through on tasks
  • Impostor Syndrome: Feeling like a fraud
  • Staying on top of a never-ending to-do list
  • Perfectionism and fear of making errors

 The list goes on and on...


Join the ADHD Breakthrough Coaching Program

Learn Specific ADHD Strategies and Techniques to Achieve More Than You Ever Thought Possible

In this 8-week program, you will:

  • Learn specific ADHD strategies and techniques to manage your unique challenges
  • Get support and camaraderie from a small group of like-minded individuals
  • Develop confidence in your abilities and become more productive and successful
  • Learn how to take control of your ADHD life and unleash your potential. 

Take Control. Join Now. Only $697

Sign up quickly to secure your spot with our introductory rate. The regular price is $897.

ADHD Breakthrough: 8-Week Program for Clarity, Confidence, and Control

Week 1: Understanding ADHD

Week 2: Time Management

Week 3: Overcoming Procrastination

Week 4: Conquer Self-Doubt

Week 5: Managing Your To-Do List

Week 6: Manage Perfectionism

Week 7: Building Relationships

Week 8: Integration and Mastery

Lisa Alecci Certified ADHD Coach

Hi, I’m Lisa

I Understand and Can Help You Succeed.

I’m a certified ADHD Coach with over 30 years of business experience, and I also have ADHD. As someone who has struggled with the challenges of ADHD, I understand firsthand how difficult it can be to manage its symptoms and achieve success.

I developed the ADHD Breakthrough Group Coaching Program – to help professionals, entrepreneurs, and leaders like you overcome their ADHD challenges and unlock their full potential. 

You Can Live the Life You Deserve. Now is the perfect time to get started!

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Take Control of Your ADHD and Start Achieving Success.

Don't let ADHD hold you back from achieving your goals. Join our Breakthrough Group Coaching Today.

Join the Group

Get the Right Support

Live the Life You Desire

What’s Included in the ADHD Breakthrough Group Coaching Program:

  • Work with a small group of like-minded individuals for eight weeks
  • Receive expert guidance from Lisa, a certified ADHD Coach
  • Discover specific ADHD strategies and techniques to manage your unique challenges in a small group setting.

Take Control. Join Now. Only $697

Stop beating yourself up – join our coaching program. The Breakthrough Group Program starts on Tuesday, May 2, 2023.

Real Clients. Real Results.

Experience what other professionals, entrepreneurs and executives have by working together. Join our Breakthrough Group Coaching Today.

"I am so grateful for your coaching. I've been telling folks about it and living the lessons I've learned from you every day, and I'm so very thankful. I am still holding so dear, weeks since our coaching ended, the new belief and honor in loving myself and honoring my values. I also feel this profound acceptance and joy with the gifts that ADHD brings me - my quickness, positivity, go with the flow, ability to pivot, and boundless creativity. I'm really excited about my future and happily unsure of where I'll be in 6 months - but I know it will be great!"
“I was skeptical about ADHD coaching. After three coaches, I met Lisa. Because she also has ADHD, she gets it. Working with Lisa has given me the confidence and permission to be who I am. I am finally unlocking the potential that has always been there but has been hidden away. Lisa guided me to find my light, and I can only imagine she will do the same for so many others."

You Deserve to Be Happy and Live the Life You Desire

I can help. Join us to take the first steps towards your productive and happy life now!