Hi, I’m Lisa Alecci
I understand what you're going through
Accept and Appreciate
Be More Productive
and Organized
Enjoy Your Professional
and Personal Life
“I struggled with the symptoms of ADHD my entire life but didn’t know what was wrong.”
– Lisa Alecci

My ADHD Story
As a mid-life woman who is all too familiar with the challenges ADHD presents, I live with and, now, successfully manage its symptoms daily. Additionally, I am a mother, daughter, and wife who has all the life experiences these roles bring.
From joy to heartbreak, I have lived it. As an experienced professional, I have held positions at every level in the corporate healthcare world, from the front line to the C-Suite. Navigating the tests and trials of corporate life with ADHD has been my world, with all its ups and downs.
I’ve struggled with the symptoms of ADHD my entire life but didn’t know what was wrong. Feeling like I had a ‘fatal flaw,’ I searched for answers for years until I was finally diagnosed with ADHD. Getting that diagnosis was both crushing and a huge relief. Initially, I grieved my many years of struggle that could have been different.
Having an ADHD coach changed my life. It impacted me so much I decided to become certified too! With medication and a trained ADHD coach to guide me, I learned to manage my symptoms, unleashed my potential, and discovered my power.
Now I guide smart and passionate adults, helping them develop creative ways to manage their ADHD successfully. My clients become empowered to bring about the changes they have always hoped for so they can be clear, confident, productive, and happy.
I want this for you because you deserve to live the life you desire. Contact me, and let’s find out if we would be a good fit to work together.
Certified Member of These Great Organizations